The Ionic Board has finally scheduled its annual board meeting (Read Here)

Figure Markets

SOL Opportunity

FTX Auction Submissions Closed. Click here to explore other Figure Markets investment opportunities.

FTX Auction Submissions Closed

Figure Markets intends to compete in the upcoming SOL auctions from the FTX estate. We believe this is an attractive opportunity and invite our community to join us.

What will the investment structure look like?

Figure Markets intends to create a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) to compete in upcoming SOL auctions from the FTX estate. The SPV will be eligible to any non-US investor (subject to KYC) and to accredited US investors.

How will the SPV operate?

The SPV will use community consensus ($1 = 1 vote) on bid price and subsequent management (staking, liquidation).  Figure Markets will charge a 50 bps annual management fee to offset the costs of setting up the SPV and the ongoing management and reporting.  

What currencies will be accepted if I want to invest?

We’ll take investments in USD and USDC.

Can I use my investment in the SPV as collateral on the Figure Markets Exchange?

We intend to incorporate the SPV into Figure Markets as eligible collateral for borrowing and margining, though we don’t have an estimated timeline for that.

©2024 Figure Markets

650 California, Suite 2700

San Francisco CA 94108
